March - April 2013

As we mentioned in our last prayer letter, we have set a goal to pass out 100,000 tracts this years. We are currently working toward that goal. We are still in need of tracts. If you would like to give toward the tracts, please mark you offering as 'Tracts for Brazil'.

We started a Bible Club at our house on Saturday mornings in March. The first week we had 9 children show up! Each week we have had at least two new kids and have averaged 13 in attendance. Around 30 different children have participated at least one time. The kids are well-behaved and enjoy the songs, Bible stories, and games. Some of them arrive at our house an hour and a half early! In April, Ingrid and Daniela (a lady from church) were able to lead the mother of one of the boys, Cassia, to the Lord. Two other mothers, Maria Isabel and Graziele, are interested in doing Bible studies. Please pray that we will continue to see fruit as we try to reach these children and their families.

We are planning of having a service at our home on the 24th of May. Please pray that many of the parents we've contacted through the Bible Club would come to hear the Gospel. There is also a possibility that we would be able to have a weekly service at our home. Please pray for wisdom regarding this opportunity.

Thank you for your support, both prayer and financial.